Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I have been bad about posting. Today we ran 4 200 meter sprints, and then did push jerks to reach our max weight. Today I PR'ed also know as Personal Record, at 135#. I was really proud of that. My sprinting has improved a ton as well I got 38 seconds then 42,43,44. I am stil eating Paleo and feeling really good. I have some awesome Crossfit friends that motivate me and push me harder then I ever thought possible. I am struggling on the muscle up but am still determined to get the movement.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Wod was called Nutts, and that it was. It went like this. 10 Handstand Pushups, 15 deadlifts 165#, 25 Boxjumps, 50 pullups, 100 wallballs, 200 double unders, 400 meter run with a 25# plate.
My Handstand pushups are improving alot. I did all 10 in a row with one mat under my head, I broke the deadlifts up into 5's, I did boxjumps straight through, Pullups is where I waisted most of my time, my hands were sweaty and someone was on the bar I liked for the 1st 30 of them. Once I got my bar I picked up the pace alot. Wall balls I started with 40 in a row and then did 10's, I had to use the 10# ball so that was that made them easy. Double unders were on fire today I did about 40 each time I have noticed if I concentrate on my breathing I do so much better on those. I ran with a 25# plate that was hard I walked a few stretch's of the 400. I ended up with a time of 20:49. Nutts.

Monday, August 1, 2011


5 rounds of filth. It was too. We did 5 rounds of 10 boxjumps, 10 jumping pullups, 10 kettle bell swings, 10 lunges,10 knees to elbows, 10 push presses, 10 back extensions, 10 wallballs, 10 burpees, and 10 double unders. It is similar to a workout called Filthy Fifty. This was so tough but I am really happy with my performance and time. I really pushed hard and my time ended up being 22:11. The hardest part for me was box jumps and burpees, I was able to go straight through on everything else.