Wod was called Nutts, and that it was. It went like this. 10 Handstand Pushups, 15 deadlifts 165#, 25 Boxjumps, 50 pullups, 100 wallballs, 200 double unders, 400 meter run with a 25# plate.
My Handstand pushups are improving alot. I did all 10 in a row with one mat under my head, I broke the deadlifts up into 5's, I did boxjumps straight through, Pullups is where I waisted most of my time, my hands were sweaty and someone was on the bar I liked for the 1st 30 of them. Once I got my bar I picked up the pace alot. Wall balls I started with 40 in a row and then did 10's, I had to use the 10# ball so that was that made them easy. Double unders were on fire today I did about 40 each time I have noticed if I concentrate on my breathing I do so much better on those. I ran with a 25# plate that was hard I walked a few stretch's of the 400. I ended up with a time of 20:49. Nutts.
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