Monday, July 25, 2011

July 25, 2011

Monday's are alway so hard for me to get into the Wod and recover from the weekend. I have been eating Paleo and have felt so good, but I will admit I cheated on Saturday night and had some Samores. Sunday I got right back into Paleo. The Wod today is 3 rounds for time 50 double unders, 50 back extensions.
Double Unders are done with a jumprope, but the rope goes underneath you twice in one jump. I started off great with the double unders until I realized my bladder couldn't handle all the jumping so I took a 24 second potty break and then the double unders were effortless. Now the back extensions were rough. My hamstrings were getting charlie horses, so they slowed me down a bit. I was still happy with my time 7:19. I also spent alot of time in my warm up working on my muscle up. Im getting so close to doing a real one. So my goal is to have one some time in August. I will post a video when that day happens. This pic is of me doing Double Unders the rope is moving so fast you can't see it.

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