Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday 7:26 2011

So yesterdays Wod made my hamstrings so sore. Today was a heavy lift day. Deadlifts, one of my favorite lifts mostly because its my strongest. I have gotten up 245#. Today was 3 reps 5 times. For max weight. I was so sore I wasn't feeling it today. So I got 215# and hang out at that weight for a while. We also did 30 pullups for time as part of the warm up. I did it in 1:15. I know I could have done better but I also spent a good amount of time on my muscle up. My hands are hurting. So not my best day at the gym, but everyone is allowed to have an off day. My eating is struggling a little. I just am feeling hungry alot and nothing is satisfing my cravings. I am working hard to staying strong. I don't have a pic today but I Erick took video of me doing pullups I will post later.

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