Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I have been bad about posting. Today we ran 4 200 meter sprints, and then did push jerks to reach our max weight. Today I PR'ed also know as Personal Record, at 135#. I was really proud of that. My sprinting has improved a ton as well I got 38 seconds then 42,43,44. I am stil eating Paleo and feeling really good. I have some awesome Crossfit friends that motivate me and push me harder then I ever thought possible. I am struggling on the muscle up but am still determined to get the movement.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Wod was called Nutts, and that it was. It went like this. 10 Handstand Pushups, 15 deadlifts 165#, 25 Boxjumps, 50 pullups, 100 wallballs, 200 double unders, 400 meter run with a 25# plate.
My Handstand pushups are improving alot. I did all 10 in a row with one mat under my head, I broke the deadlifts up into 5's, I did boxjumps straight through, Pullups is where I waisted most of my time, my hands were sweaty and someone was on the bar I liked for the 1st 30 of them. Once I got my bar I picked up the pace alot. Wall balls I started with 40 in a row and then did 10's, I had to use the 10# ball so that was that made them easy. Double unders were on fire today I did about 40 each time I have noticed if I concentrate on my breathing I do so much better on those. I ran with a 25# plate that was hard I walked a few stretch's of the 400. I ended up with a time of 20:49. Nutts.

Monday, August 1, 2011


5 rounds of filth. It was too. We did 5 rounds of 10 boxjumps, 10 jumping pullups, 10 kettle bell swings, 10 lunges,10 knees to elbows, 10 push presses, 10 back extensions, 10 wallballs, 10 burpees, and 10 double unders. It is similar to a workout called Filthy Fifty. This was so tough but I am really happy with my performance and time. I really pushed hard and my time ended up being 22:11. The hardest part for me was box jumps and burpees, I was able to go straight through on everything else.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Wod is 21-15-9. One arm snatch, wallballs, and ring dips. I did 25# snatch, 15# wall ball, and scaled the ring dips. My time was 9:09. The dips were the hardest part for me. I was able to do the snatch and wallballs unbroken. My arms were so restless after that wod. Im doing the cooper run tomorrow.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Wod for the day. 10 mins as many rounds as possible also know as AMRAP. 5 Power Cleans, 5 Push Jerks. The weight that was RX for women was 105, and that's what I did. I was able to do 5 rounds + 3 reps. The cleans weren't to bad for me but the Jerks were really hard.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday 7:26 2011

So yesterdays Wod made my hamstrings so sore. Today was a heavy lift day. Deadlifts, one of my favorite lifts mostly because its my strongest. I have gotten up 245#. Today was 3 reps 5 times. For max weight. I was so sore I wasn't feeling it today. So I got 215# and hang out at that weight for a while. We also did 30 pullups for time as part of the warm up. I did it in 1:15. I know I could have done better but I also spent a good amount of time on my muscle up. My hands are hurting. So not my best day at the gym, but everyone is allowed to have an off day. My eating is struggling a little. I just am feeling hungry alot and nothing is satisfing my cravings. I am working hard to staying strong. I don't have a pic today but I Erick took video of me doing pullups I will post later.

Monday, July 25, 2011

July 25, 2011

Monday's are alway so hard for me to get into the Wod and recover from the weekend. I have been eating Paleo and have felt so good, but I will admit I cheated on Saturday night and had some Samores. Sunday I got right back into Paleo. The Wod today is 3 rounds for time 50 double unders, 50 back extensions.
Double Unders are done with a jumprope, but the rope goes underneath you twice in one jump. I started off great with the double unders until I realized my bladder couldn't handle all the jumping so I took a 24 second potty break and then the double unders were effortless. Now the back extensions were rough. My hamstrings were getting charlie horses, so they slowed me down a bit. I was still happy with my time 7:19. I also spent alot of time in my warm up working on my muscle up. Im getting so close to doing a real one. So my goal is to have one some time in August. I will post a video when that day happens. This pic is of me doing Double Unders the rope is moving so fast you can't see it.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sturday 7-23 Group Wod

Ok so if you don't know what a WOD is its a Work out of the Day. We use this term alot in Crossfit. Saturdays are one of my favorite days to go into the gym. We always do some group Wod and we don't know what it is until we get there. So this morning we were partnered I was lucky to have Erick be my Partner. The workout went like this
2 rounds
30 BallCleans/Hold ball overhead.
30 squats/ hold at bottom of squat
30 situps/Hollow something
30 wall balls/ handstand hold
30 burpees/plank hold\.
So while my partner does ball cleans I hold the ball overheard until he finishes all 30,then we switch he ball hold while I do cleans, and so on down the list.
The first round was so hard especially the Hollow thing my abs were on fire, I really didn't think I could fit in another round but with a lot of people cheering us on we finished in 33:25. Wade took a picture of me holding my plank, I must say I am liking seeing some muscles in my back develop.

Friday, July 22, 2011


I have been doing crossfit for 3 years now. I am so passionate about it I thought I would start a blog. Today our workout was 3 rounds front squats 95# and burpee pullups. My time was 10:10. We time all of our workouts at crossfit. If you can measure it you can improve it. The front squats weren't to bad mostly because my strenght is heavy lifting. The burpee pullups were more of a struggle. Will my trainer had me laughing because my form was a little funny. I have been eating Paleo for 7 weeks now and have lost more weight and my energy is really starting to kick in. Tomorrow I will be running a 5k. More on that later.